Parent Advisory Committees
African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC)

Members of AAPAC are parents, guardians, and/or caregivers of students within the Kern High School District wh identify in whole or part, as African-American or Black. Each district site selects one representative to participate on this council. Meetings are held monthly at the district office.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the District African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC) is to serve in an advisory capacity to District staff, and to establish a partnership between KHSD staff and the KHSD African American parent community in response to the specific needs of our African American students. Parents will be informed about the District’s resources, policies, programs and support services.
GOAL: The goal of the African American Parent Advisory Council is to empower parents and students to actively advocate for a high quality academic and social high school experience for every Kern High School District African American student. The KHSD AAPAC will partner with the district to strengthen and develop resources and avenues that will allow parents to actively support the academic instruction and social activities their students receive and engage with district and school administrators. Parent members of the AAPAC can share information with other parents through the School Site Council and parent groups for other organizations including Project BEST, Black Student Union (BSU), and Young Women Empowered for Leadership (YWEL). KHSD staff will provide information and guidance to the KHSD AAPAC to review all aspects of the academic, discipline, co-curricular, and extra-curricular areas of the African American students’ experiences in the Kern High School District.
2024-2025 AAPAC Meeting Dates
Contact Person: Janell Burton [email protected]
Supervising Administrator of Student, Family, & Community Engagement
District Advisory Committee (DPAC) / District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
The KHSD is required to establish a district advisory committee (called the DPAC in KHSD) and each school in the district is required to establish a corresponding school advisory committee (SAC: typically called Title I Advisory Committee) for the purpose of advising districts and schools regarding compensatory education programs (like Title I). The laws that require this include California Education Code (EC) 64001 and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 4423.
These councils (committees) are to include a broad representation of the parent population served by the district (or school) including socio-economic and ethnic groups represented in the district/school attendance area. Parents are to constitute the majority of the membership in the district advisory committee with parent representatives being elected by the parents of pupils residing in the district who are participating in the Title I Program (or any other district compensatory education program).
The DPAC is required to certify that the KHSD Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) for categorical funds was developed with review and advice from the DPAC and DELAC. It is important to note that the district advisory committees are not charged with approving the KHSD CARS, but with affirming (certifying) that the committees provided advice and review in the development of the KHSD CARS.
These councils (committees) are to include a broad representation of the parent population served by the district (or school) including socio-economic and ethnic groups represented in the district/school attendance area. Parents are to constitute the majority of the membership in the district advisory committee with parent representatives being elected by the parents of pupils residing in the district who are participating in the Title I Program (or any other district compensatory education program).
The DPAC is required to certify that the KHSD Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) for categorical funds was developed with review and advice from the DPAC and DELAC. It is important to note that the district advisory committees are not charged with approving the KHSD CARS, but with affirming (certifying) that the committees provided advice and review in the development of the KHSD CARS.