Operation: Elder Elves Biomedical students link learning to real-life patient care through innovative project.
Heroic KHSD Student Saves Life A Ridgeview High School student's quick thinking saved a family member.
Music Inspires, Educates A one-of-a-kind class at East Bakersfield High School gives students a unique opportunity to learn and share music.
Local Cheer Squad Performs on National Stage Centennial Cheer Squad is preparing for an appearance in the Holiday Bowl.
Arvin High Excels in Speech Competition Nearly sixty Arvin High School (AHS) Future Farmers of America (FFA) members, in teams of six, competed in the Kern-Inyo section opening and closing speech competition held at Bakersfield College.
Agriculture Teacher Selected for National Award North High School (NHS) Ag Teacher, Natalie Ryan, is one of only six nationwide named Outstanding Young Member by the National Association of Agriculture Educators (NAAE).
Lessons for a Lifetime Independence High School’s Energy & Utilities Academy students recently took their love of science into elementary school classrooms.
Life Skills Bloom in Shafter A popular Career Technical Education class at Shafter High School is giving students an incredible opportunity and career readiness skills.