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Alternative Education

Alternative Education

The five Continuation High Schools and the Kern Workforce 2000 Charter School of the Kern High School District serve a diverse population of students. The Alternative Education sites provide a supportive educational environment for students who are deficient in credits or require an alternative instructional setting to meet their individual needs.  The smaller campuses and class sizes provide opportunities for students to interact with staff and peers to develop meaningful relationships and establishes a higher level of accountability.  The schools work with students, staff, parents and the community to provide support to ensure student success. They also continue to provide a quality education and opportunities for credit recovery and progress toward earning a KHSD diploma.  Students have the option of returning to their school of attendance once they are on pace to graduate with their peers.

In addition to credit recovery, continuation students are provided opportunities to participate in Dual Enrollment (earn college credit), Career Technical Education (CTE) on site and at the Regional Occupation Center (ROC). On site CTE offerings include Health Careers, Construction, Business, Graphic Arts and Criminal Justice.  Sites are continuing to expand and enhance instruction incorporating video production, drone technology and robotics to increase student engagement.

Students participate in a variety of activities to promote college and career readiness, such as college and career fairs, field trips to colleges, trade schools and local businesses.   This experience is augmented through participation in the Quest for Success program which provides soft skill development in the classroom, as well as on-the-job training in local business to attain real world experience at a job site.

Teachers utilize technology in the classrooms to enhance instruction and participate in professional development activities to further utilize instructional technology. Each campus is equipped with wireless access and Chromebooks to enrich digital literacy and improve 21st century skills.

Student experiences are enriched through a variety of activities on and off campus.  Instruction is substantiated through relevant field trips to outdoor education centers and theatrical performances and exposure to the Arts.   Students benefit from a variety of activities on campus including: clubs, intramural sports, and opportunities to participate in community service projects, and student leadership council.

Each campus participates in the development and implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) strategies with a focus on social-emotional intelligence. Each site is developing a system of structures to encourage positive behavior and meet the needs of the school community.  Students at each of the five continuation school campuses are supported by counselors, an intervention specialist and a social worker. Interventions incorporated to improve behavior include Restorative Practices, Forward Thinking and Brief Intervention.

The alternative education schools strive to develop students socially, emotionally and academically. Please visit the Continuation websites for additional information and details regarding the exciting things happening on our campuses.  Central Valley Continuation High SchoolNueva Continuation High SchoolTierra Del Sol Continuation High School, Vista Continuation High SchoolVista West Continuation High School.

The KHSD Workforce 2000 Charter Academy currently operates on six KHSD school campuses including Arvin, Bakersfield, East, Foothill, South and West High.  Please visit the link below to learn more about the WORKFORCE 2000 CHARTER ACADEMY.